Bumdra Monastery trek ( 4,000 masl ) and TAKSHANG MONASTERY


The adventure begins with an early morning drive up to the Sang Choekor Buddhist College (2,800 masl) to meet our ponies . The drive itself was very nerve-wrecking as our driver, Joker, swept  every bend and curve all the way up, each bend do not have safety barriers of any sort and the wheels were practically only inches away from the cliff edge !

at the gates of Sang Choekor Buddhist College at 8am
exploring the college, while waiting for our ponies and supplies to arrive

young college monks doing their chores

and our supplies arrived. . .

The Bumdra Trek estimated 3 - 4 hrs to campsite and at an elevation of 4,000masl or more if you want to climb to the peak for the awesome view of the Himalayas . 

We, the normal people , took a total of 7 hrs to reach the camp site instead .

 As we hike higher and higher, our legs felt heavier and soon almost couldn't even carry our own backpack and our Guide Lhawang was so kind as to help us with our luggage.
Every step was a ton of bricks and every breath we take was thin and difficult. . . but "mind over matter" . . .we had to go on.

our supplies overtaking us on the trail

Maybe its just hallucnation...candy floss ?  

The initial ascent to the ridge can be steep at times but in cool shade but we still sweat every step of the way. The UV condition is very high. And the air seems thinner and less as we ascend.  Finally reached the clearing with prayer flags and this is where we had our packed lunch.

 Its not just the view but the cool fresh air under the trees just lullaby them to sleep in no time !
siesta ??


Fantastic view of PARO and the Do Chhu Valleys below. . .

our horses taking a break too
 Another 1 - 2 hrs walk, is the Chhoe Chhoe Tse Lhakhang whch nestles at the side of the mountain.The trail continues and when we reach the last steep elevation we will see a temple overlooking the views of Paro airport and the snow-capped Himalaya.

 After another 30mins of climbing through ruins and fluttering prayer flags we hike into the ancient forest for about 1 hr before we reach a wide meadow with sacred chortens and prayer flags.

horse man and me. . .
our horseman with his very creative hat !

one of our countless rest-stops . . . 

This is it! Finally reached the campsite at BUMDRA MONASTERY.

In the far distant we can see our blue tents and camp site just below the Bumdra Monastery

the endangered specie - the  Bhutanese wild YAK 

spotted in the distance, the very rare and endangered specie, the yak.  He hardly moved but stared at us from the distance....!!

But even this wild fierce looking animal can't keep us from our "deck chairs and warm towels "

Oh WOW !!!!!! soooooo nice... warm towel !

even have deck chairs and umbrella shades at the campsite. And later we were served the best HOMEMADE HOT GINGER TEA WITH HONEY ! ...tasted so good especially at 4,000masl ! 

Tents jz below the Bumdra Monastery 

" at last,  after almost 7 hrs of hardship ! "

our very comfortable doublebed with mattress and warm sleeping bag

our own toilet 

The green meadows with little pretty purple flowers was such a welcoming sight . . . and in the distant was a huge black yak standing very still and watching every move we make. We were lucky to see a wild yak .

 To greet us were colorful sun umbrellas and deck chairs and warm face towels to refresh us. This is definitely a 5-star service from our trekking agency, which none of us expected at all !
And to our shock, even the tents had a real double bed and mattresses and sleeping bags - this is more than we can imagine ! Oh and the "dining tent" was elegantly decorated with a real table and real chairs and even had a heater !! yes...they had a generator . I must say, the camping facility and conditions are premium-class.

At the campsite , it is here that guests may learn why this trek is also called the " Trek of a thousand Dakinis ( celestial female beings)  ".

Our home for the night is tucked away just under the Bumdra Monastery ( the cave of a thousand prayers ) and offers unimpeded views of the Himalayan range. Monks from all over pays pilgrimage to this monastery and meditate here.

At night, it gets cold outside the tents but inside with all our thermal sleeping bags and fleece and even a hot bottle warmer for our feet, we were very comfortable indeed.

Our dining tent 
After breakfast, it is time to head straight back to the valley via the Zangto Pelri Monastery and Taktsang Monastery. We will trek thru the ancient pine and the rhododendron forests on the the monk's zig-zagging trail.


OUR LUNCH - as usual, red rice,carrots & cauliflower,chicken curry, crow beans. 

Zangto Pelri Monastery

our path from the top of Takshang monastery comes down to meet the normal path from car park 

After 2 hrs of descent, we catch glimpses of the golden roofs of temples below. The path snakes across the mountainside between these monasteries before reaching the gardens of Zangto Pelri (Heaven on Earth), from which you can, if you are brave, peer over the edge straight down onto the ornate rooftops of the TAKSHANG MONASTERY perched against the cliff face far below.

view from the top coming down -  a peep at Takshang Monastery

Takshang Monastery on far below right and top left is where we just had our lunch.
Because we trekked up to Bumdra, the next morning descending to Takshang monastery, we were able to get this unusual view of the Takshang Monastery from the top angle. Most tourists would only be ascending from the car park area , which takes about 2 - 3 hrs to ascend.

 It hangs on a cliff and stands above the beautiful forests of blue pine and rhododendrons.

the approach to the monastery

we made it up to Bumdra Monastery at 4000masl and descend to Takshang Monastery in 2 days.... and WE SURVIVED !!!

The Guru Rimpoche visited and sanctified Bhutan n the 8th Century when evil spirits abounded and harmed people. Legend has it that Guru Rimpoche flew to this site on a tigress backcto subdue a local demon. Thereafter, he meditated here for 3 months. Takshang Monastery was blessed and sanctified as one of Bhutan;s most religious and sacred site.

And here we met up with the other GROUP B - Picnic Group, who spent the last 2 days driving thru the scenic Chele la pass and did a bit of shopping in Paro town.